I’m reading a friend’s research work and the figures making me smiling.
I wonder why a majority of middle class Nigerian married men especially ones from 35 years upwards don’t go more than one round and some don’t ask for it for weeks! I wonder what is responsible for this ‘laziness’. Your job should not be an excuse Sir.
I always say it and I will say it again. Sex is food. Sex is a major element for a peaceful matrimonial home. God created it for the purpose of an harmonious union (Gen 2: 25) and as holy as Ramadan is to Muslims, Allah allows it between Iftar and Saum ( Bakarah 2:187).
Lots of homes are broken because of poor sex. A lot of African women would not complain of poor sex from their spouses to avoid being tagged wayward or sexual perverts but dying emotionally.
Men, your responsibilities are not limited to payments of school fees, rents, feeding and others. Handle your woman well. Give her reasons to smile when you are not with her.
When a woman smiles when nobody is cracking jokes, it is a sign she has a husband who takes care of her in all her departments.
The holier than thou on this space, please park well; don’t come here.