The billionaire joins the list of landlords in highbrow Casablanca, Los Angeles.
Kylie Jenner has gotten for herself a very beautiful and expensive home in Los Angeles worth thirty-six million dollars.
Kylie Jenner was announced as the youngest self-made billionaire by Forbes back in 2019.
According to TMZ, the billionaire’s house is around one of the most expensive estates in Casablanca which is miles away in the heart of L.A. — Holmby Hills.

Kylie Jenner’s sprawling mansion in Casablanca, Los Angeles [TMZ]
With this latest acquisition, Jenner joins the list of rich celebrities and business moguls who have palatial homes in Casablanca.
The house is 15,350 square feet and it’s billed as a resort compound. It’s a single-story, modern compound with a dedicated guardhouse.

The house is 15,350 square feet and it’s billed as a resort compound. It’s a single-story, modern compound with a dedicated guardhouse. [TMZ]
The house has a chef’s kitchen, an outdoor projection screen, home theatre, bars and game rooms, a gym and a championship-level sports court with pickleball/basketball.
In 2019, Jenner was announced as the youngest self-made billionaire by Forbes.

In 2019, Jenner was announced as the youngest self-made billionaire by Forbes. [Instagram/KylieJenner]
Jenner amassed a personal net worth of $1billion through her wildly successful range of make-up, Kylie Cosmetics.
Jenner is the younger sister to reality TV stars, Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney Kardashian.
She is the mother of a beautiful daughter who she had with off and on boyfriend and music star, Travis Scott. [Instagram/KylieJenner]
She is the mother of a beautiful daughter who she had with off and on boyfriend and music star, Travis Scott.
Originally posted on October 26, 2020 @ 2:02 pm