Sex and your body are undoubtedly connected, therefore here’s what happens when you abstain from sex.
Your skin changes
Sex makes your skin glow. Estrogen released when you have sex is in charge of keeping skin and hair follicles healthy.
Additionally, sex keeps skin hydrated, speeds up wound recovery, and boosts the creation of collagen and hyaluronic acid. When you don’t have sex, you have to get these benefits from somewhere else.
Lack of sleep
Sleeping well is one of the positive side effects of sex, but does that mean that you should anticipate having restless nights when you don’t have sex?
Sex causes the release of happy hormones like endorphins, oxytocin, and prolactin which helps you fall asleep.
Changes in habits can affect brain chemistry, including adjustments to neurotransmitter levels and activity, which can interfere with regular sleep cycles.
Some experts claim particularly for women that constipation is a likely result of abstinence because the sex hormones associated with menstrual periods impact bowel movement. Estrogen and progesterone are connected to constipation, and prostaglandins that aid in uterine lining shedding also tend to relax the intestines.
However, a study carried out in 2017 discovered no discernible difference in overall physical health or happiness between sexually active and sexually inactive adults.