Today is an amazing day cause today’s post is fireeeeee . I promise you, y’all didn’t expect it.
I’m low key excited because I love music…everybody loves music. If you don’t love music, then you’re a dead soul. Anyways, so I’m currently listening to this song

It literally just dropped yesterday and I’m excited for two reasons. Calm down, I’ll give you the link at the end of the post but first I’ll tell you why I’m excited. Firstly, cause the beat of the song is just amazing. When it comes to music, for me, the first and most important thing is the beat of the song. If the beat isn’t fire, the song isn’t fire! But I mean, what do I know about music?
And that is whyyyyyy I’m very excited to welcome our first official/premium/skesky/talented guest of 2021…..
Who would’ve thought?
He is here to tell us all about how he got into music, how he gets his inspiration and of course, his dream collaboration.
I can’t…I just can’t be the only one that’s excited right now. Especially all ye upcoming artists and people who are still looking to get into music, this is thy time! You’ve been awaiting it so there you have it! Let’s get right into it cause I’m just jumping up and down at this point.

1. What first got you into music?
I have always loved music right from when I was a young lad. It’s something I have always liked.
2. Who inspired you to make music?
Well, it all started from my uncle. He used to rap as a joke but I actually liked it. The first time I ever sang was when I was 9 yrs old and that was my primary school graduation.
3. How would you describe the type of music you create?
I believe in versatility so, I try to be versatile in my music.
4. What is your creative process like?
My creative process is more of me hearing a beat and just free style. That’s literally how I make all my songs.
5. Who would you most like to collaborate with and why?
There are many artistes I would love to collaborate with. For example, omah lay, Zlatan, mayorkun …many of them. I just like their vibe.
6. Which famous musicians do you admire?
I admire Eminem and Dax. They made me realize that there’s more to life than life itself.
7. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
I believe it’s my dad’s advice of face your music but don’t forget about your education. Education is key in life.
8. If you could change anything about the music industry, what would it be?
Uhm nothing actually. I see the industry as okay. It’s all about working hard.
9. What was the most difficult obstacle you experienced when you first started making music?
The greatest obstacle I faced was knowing my pattern and my flow. I was also trying to sound like someone else which is a mistake many artistes make. No body wants to hear a second davido or another Da baby. People are looking for new and better sounds.
10. How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?
Music is evolution and evolution is key. Due to the presence of the internet, music can go further and people round the world would be able to listen. So that’s the good impact of the internet.
11. What is one message you would give to your fans?
Never give up. That’s what I live by. And they should always be supportive.
12. What’s next for you, from here?
Well from here, I would leave God to direct my steps.
13. Do you sing in the shower, what songs?
Singing in the shower is normal. I mostly freestyle. I get inspiration in the shower almost everytime.
14. What is the most uselful talent you have?
Multi tasking. I can do so many things at a time. That’s why I balance school and my music and also my video creation.
15. What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?
I’ve gotten in so much trouble I don’t even know where to start from. Secondary school was where all the shit went down. No worries I’d leave that story for another day.
He definitely dodged that last question but it’s alright, it’s alright. We’ll get him another time!
Anyways guys, that was our boy, Zucci!!!! And his first single, BEND DOWN FT CANDY BLEAKZ dripped yesterday so this is premium first class content, you can’t get it anywhere else!
Bend down out now on all platforms
Go stream our boy’s song! Like now! I don’t even care if you miss my outro but trust me, you don’t want to miss blessing your ears.

Also, if you enjoyed this post and would love to connect or reach out to Zucci, his social media handles are down below:
Instagram: @officialzucci
Twitter: @official_zucci
Youtube: Uncle Eyd
Alright guys, that’s it for today! I really really hope you enjoyed this post. Don’t forget to listen to his song, share it with your friends, ladies dm him, guys…..dm him as well and just spread some love to our boy.
Thank you so much! Love y’all and see you on Friday!