Here are some important salt facts you need to know about when cooking.
1. Salt prevents pasta and rice from sticking together
Have you ever boiled pasta and rice, and they stuck to each other? Well, that’s where salt comes in, salt helps to separate these dishes in the pot.
2. Salt in home-made food is healthier than salt in processed foods
Many people always give good grief about adding salt to their meals, but that isn’t a major problem, buying processed and fast food meals like chips and burgers have a higher salt content.
3. Salt adds to taste
Is it sugar? No, it’s salt. When cooking and especially when baking, salt can make meals tastier. It has been said that it counteracts bitterness even more than sugar.
4. Different types of salt affect the taste of meals
There are different types of salt like kosher, table, sea and finishing salt. The recipe you are following will determine when you should use them. Plus, the shape and size of the grains of salt differ from each other.
5. Salt helps food retain nutrients
Another great thing that happens when we cook with salt, especially our vegetables is that it retains the nutrients in the foods.
But you have to be careful with the amount of salt you use as too much salt can cause hypertension.