Are you trustworthy? Being trustworthy is one of the qualities of a
good leader. There are traits someone needs to have in order to be
trustworthy. Trustworthy traits are internal qualities that form the
bedrock of our character.
Regardless of the situation or circumstances, these traits are simply a part of who we are. For the sake of
simplicity, I have identified 4 primary trustworthy traits:
1. Competence
To succeed in any endeavor, we have to know what we’re doing and why
we’re doing it. That doesn’t mean we have to have all of the answers,
but it does mean we must have solid foundation of skill, ability, and
The people under our leadership will only continue to follow us if they are satisfied that we are qualified to lead. It’s not that they believe we’ll never make a poor decision, but that they trust us to guide them well.
As leaders, we must be able to explain why one path is better than
another, why our marketing strategy and sales approach are appropriate
for the products we’re trying to sell, why our practice regimen is this
way and not that, or why we expect this play to work against the other
team’s defense.
Again, we don’t need to have all of the answers, but the people we lead must be confident that we have the competence to lead them in pursuit of the organization’s vision and mission.
2. Integrity
Integrity is one of the building blocks-if not the cornerstone-of any leader’s success.
Especially leaders who desire to add value to the lives of those they
lead. Leadership skills must be built on a proper foundation. If people
in your organization can’t rely on you-whether on the big things or the
little things-how are they going to follow you? They may follow you for a
little while, but it won’t be with passion or full commitment.
The reason is simple: When faced with uncertainty about a decision or
direction, they won’t know whether the person making the decision or
pointing them in that direction can be trusted.
They may follow for a time, but only conditionally, haltingly, or with misgivings marking
every step. If you have integrity model it. If you have a problem with
integrity, take care of it quickly before your reputation is established
as one who is not to be trusted.
3. Security
Trustworthy leaders need to exhibit confidence, not false bravado,
but an inner sense of security-the kind of confidence that doesn’t need
to be surrounded by yes-men or people trying to curry favor. From my
perspective, a genuine sense of self worth-the kind of confidence that
can’t be shaken by circumstances-is best obtained through a relationship
with God.
The knowledge that He created me and cares for me does more than any self-help book ever could. I am both humbled and empowered by the knowledge that Jesus Christ performed the ultimate act of sacrifice for me.
To know that God loves me that much is powerful. Leaders who are secure enough in who they are will invest themselves in helping others grow and develop to their full potentials. Secure leaders are free to
lift others up who will eventually replace them.
4. Authenticity
To be approachable and secure, to be trustworthy and loyal, you can’t
be a phony. Above all, leaders must be genuine. People know a fake when
they see one. I am naturally quiet, but as I get to know people better,
I begin to open up more and will joke around.
Still, I look more serious in public than I do in private. That’s who I am, and to be anything else in order to achieve something would be insincere and phony.
Someone else can perhaps engage people more easily or be the life of the party. But I don’t need to be someone I’m not, nor should I
expect others to be something different from who they are. Whatever gifts God has given us, we should make use of them.
Be real.
Be authentic.
Be sincere.
People will know who you’re not.
And they will know when you are-and be drawn to that.