A question that is often asked by a lot of men is: does she like me? They might not say it out but they think about it. They’re often confused if the signs they are seeing means a girl likes them or she’s just being friendly. As men, we know that women more often than not would not outrightly tell us I like you! or You’re hot and I wanna have sex with you. We wish they would, but the fact remains we can’t change the nature of women. Since girls are not direct with their interests, how can you actually tell if she likes you. Don’t worry, I got you. Today I’ll be showing you 20 signs to look out for that signals a girl likes you and you should make a move on her.
Before I dive into the crux of the matter, I want to point out
something. The best way to tell if a girl really likes you is to make a
move on her. It’s that simple actually. If you talk to her, she responds
well, you flirt and she flirts back or blushes, you ask for her number
and she gives you, you ask her out on a date and she comes out or on the
same day you ask her to come sit with you (in a party, club or even at
daytime) and she complies. You don’t need any other sign, you both are
good to go!
Also, there are men who encounter a woman who doesn’t seem to like
them but they persist, and because they are at the right situation at
the right time (or maybe they craftily created it themselves), they are
able to create arousal that ends up in both parties becoming bedmates.
This is how some guys get girls that are out of their leagues.
There are usually two categories of women that men are confused as to if
they like them or not. The first are total strangers. We encounter
women everytime in our daily activities and these women are strangers to
us. The second type are familiar women.
When talking about familiar women, you have those who aren’t close to
you: these are friends of a friend, a classmate, the waiter at your
favourite restaurant, the girl you always see around your neighbourhood,
etc. You never go beyond ‘hi’s and ‘hey’s with them and even when you
do you never really pass small talk. The other familiar women are the
ones close to you. They could be your friend, co-worker, classmate or
partner in an activity.
For the sake of this article we’ll be covering the signs that total
strangers and familiar women who you aren’t close to give off. Why I
won’t be covering the signs that women you’re close to show is simply
because: if you and a woman are close then she likes you. It’s that
simple. Someone once said that a man and a woman cannot be friends and
there is a truism in it.
Whenever a man and woman are just friends, they are usually still
conscious of some attraction in either one or both parties involved. But
it’s fine if they choose not to pursue it further as you can’t sleep
with or date every female you encounter. It’ll be messed up. Friendship
with females can be very rewarding for both the man and woman. If you
however like her then you should make a move, and if she doesn’t respond
positvely it’s okay, you can’t get them all. But you need to cut that
person off. The friendzone is not a fun place to be.
Now that I’ve made things clearer, let’s dive into the 20 signs that shows a woman likes you.
- She stares at you
- She bumps into you
- She goes out of her way to pretend she doesn’t notice you
- She catwalks while walking past you
- She sings beside you
- She talks or laughs loudly
- She hovers around you
- She asks you for direction or an innocent-looking question
- She goes out of her way to greet you
- She gives you free stuff
- She touches or leans on you
- She gives you a compliment
- She teases you
- She smiles at you everytime
- She laughs at every joke you make
- She asks you a personal question
- She asks you a lot of questions about yourself
- She changes her accent when talking to you
- She tells you alot about herself
- She gives you a nickname
The first 11 signs are shown by strangers, numbers 12 and 13 can be
shown by both strangers and familiar women, while number 14 to 20 are
for familar women.
Naturally, strangers do not look at each other for up to a second. If a
stranger looks at you for a second or more, it means you’ve peaked his
curiosity and if it’s a female, it’s usually a sign of attraction. If
you find a girl staring at you, don’t question whether or not she likes
you. Instead look back at her, smile or wave and then say hi to her and
kick it from there. Sometimes you’d observe a girl is staring and when
you look at her she immediately takes her eyes off you. Just smile,
chill a bit to see if she’ll look back so you can give her a smile or
wave. If she doesn’t, go talk to her.
Ever heard the saying that there’s no such thing as a coincidence? Well
this applies perfectly with anything woman related. Girls are usually
very conscious of things they do in public and one of those things is
whom they decide to bump into or not. If a girl bumps into you, it’s
usually a sign that she likes you and wants you to talk to her. This is
usually more accurate when it’s a light bump. Sometimes she might have
genuinely bumped into you unknowingly, this kind of bump is usually more
forcefully and she could even lose her balance. I’d advise you just
talk to her (beyond “sorry” of course) wether you feel she did it on
purpose or not.
If you’re an attractive man, sometimes you’d have women try so hard not
to show interest in you. For the average man, this is insane! How can a
girl like me and then ignore me on purpose. Well it’s usually because
she’s trying to look good in front of you and staring at you (to her)
makes her look thirsty.
How this usually happens is that you’d be out on the street walking, a
girl notices you (a lot of times before you do) and then she takes her
eyes away from you and looks forward as she walks past you. She doesn’t
even look to the side as normal people do when walking past someone. If
you notice a girl walks past you without even looking your way, while
her facial expression suggests she’s doing this on purpose, she likes
This can happen when you’re in an indoor environment too like say a
bank or supermarket. If a girl forces herself not to look your way even
when you both are close to each other, it’s usually a sign of
attraction. When you notice this just say hi to her and smile, don’t be
discouraged by the straight face.
This one is as obvious as it gets. If you notice a girl and while
walking past you she somehow begins to sway her hips more and catwalk as
if she were a model on a runway. Make sure you run after her and tell
her you like how she sways her hips while walking.
Whenever you see a girl singing in public it means she’s seeking
attention. If she’s beside you then she’s trying to get you to notice
her so you can talk to her. Don’t dissapoint her, tell her she has a
nice voice.
This is similar to the previous sign. If a girl talks or laughs too
loudly for a public environment, she’s looking for attention. If you’re
beside her and you’re decently attractive, it’s safe to assume she’s
doing it because of you. A girl would talk or laugh loudly to gain your
attention when she’s either talking to her friends or on the phone. If
she’s trying to gain your attention by talking loudly, the topic would
usually be something that would portray her in a positive way. Open her
with something about the environment or if you’re feeling ballsy then
tell her her voice sounds cute.
If a girl keeps hovering around you, for whatever reason, it’s almost
always a sign she just wants you to talk to her. Some girls would walk
around you, others would position themselves close to while some would
even start talking to someone right next to you. Just make an offhanded
statement about the social situation you’re both in or ask her a
question and you can take it from there.
This might sound counter-intuitive, especially the first part. How can a
stranger asking you for direction mean she likes you. First of all, you
should understand that she has options. Why didn’t she ask that old man
at the corner of the street, or the poorly dressed man walking past
her. She came all the way to ask you for direction. This is usually a
sign that she likes the looks of you. And if you’re an attractive man,
then the chances are very high that she likes you.
Sometimes it’s not direction. A girl you’ve never spoken to who’s
beside you (or planted herself there) asks you an innocent looking
question. It doesn’t matter what she asks, this is almost equivalent to
her toasting you. Answer her question and go from there.
This usually happens with girls younger than you, but sometimes girls
your age or slightly older than you can use this style to gain your
attention. How this can occur is this: let’s say you’re walking to a
store and coming opposite your direction is a girl who’s far to the left
side of the road. You’re lost in your thought as you stare off into
space, you do not even take note of her. Suddenly as you get closer she
blurts out good afternoon! Bonus point for you if she adds sir.
People usually greet strangers only when it’s socially awkward not
to. Although this depends on environment. If you’re in an environment
where people always greet strangers then you’d have a different
yardstick for measuring what it means to go out of your way to greet a
This happens with sales clerks, waitresses or the likes. If you’re
buying food for example and you order for two pieces of meat and she
puts three or she adds more spagthetti than the amount you are paying
for. That’s a sign she likes you. If you shop at a supermarket and the
sales girl adds an extra item for you, then be certain she wants you to
go beyond polite talk. In both instances, she’s offering something and
expects you to give her something in return by asking her to hangout or
go on a date with you.
I don’t want to know the excuse for this, if a girl who you do not know
touches or leans on you (except she was falling; and even this could be
feigned. You have no idea the lenghts girls can go to get your attention
while making it look unplanned), then it’s a sign she likes you.
Sometimes she’d touch or lean on you and then apologize to make it
seem like a mistake. Don’t buy it. Acknowledge her apology and then
start a conversation. The exception to this would be in an overcrowded
environment where it’s impossible not to touch multiple individuals.
If a stranger gives you a compliment, be rest assured she wants you to
do things to her. If it’s a girl that you’re familiar with, you might
not be certain she likes you. But more often than not, it’s usually a
sign that she wants you guys to move past just saying hi or small talk.
She’s telling you she personally likes something about you and hopes you
both would graduate into a more personal level. Man up! Take the
challenge. Go beyond small talk, ask her out on a date or invite her
over for a movie or dinner.
A general rule of thumb is that if a girl teases you then she likes you.
Think about it, would you tease a girl you think is unattractive? No,
you don’t want her having ideas. It’s the same with women. Whether she’s
a stranger or a familiar face, if she teases you then she likes you.
With a stranger, it’s a very clear sign. A familiar face on the other
hand, you’d have to gauge the kind of teasing. But generally speaking,
for her to have teased you, it means she likes you to an extent. So just
laugh/smile, tease her back and go from there.
If you notice that a girl you’re familiar with always smiles at you. You
sight her from afar; she smiles at you, you unwittingly bumped into her
and everything she’s holding scatters to different axis as if you were
plotting a graph; she smiles at you, you call her name; she smiles.
Smile also, cause you just got yourself a potential romantic partner.
You know you’re not that funny, but every joke you make seems to make
this girl laugh or giggle. Does this mean you’re the next Trevor Noah
and you haven’t realized it or this girl just has a thing for you. I
don’t mean to kill your aspirations but if a girl laughs/giggles at
every of your joke then it’s you she likes… and maybe your jokes too
(wink, wink). Don’t get stuck being the entertaining guy, get down to
business and make a move on her.
If you’re familiar with a girl but you both don’t ever go beyond small
talk, however, she decides to ask you a personal question, then she’s
signalling to you that you should take things to the next level. She
wants you to get serious and make a move. A personal question could be
asking for your name, where you live, what state you’re from or your
ethnic group, your favorite artiste, etc. As long as you guys have never
had a personal conversation but she asks you something that’s leading
to that direction, then she likes you. So if she asks you for your name,
just reply, I’m Mr Bend-You-Over (totally kidding lol).
If you’re talking to a girl you just met and she begins plying you with a
lot of questions about yourself then she likes you. If it’s someone
that’s familiar but not very close to you, this is also a green light
that she likes you. A girl who decides to bombard you with lots of
questions does so because she’s interested in you. Obviously you don’t
have to reply her as if you were a college student answering exam
questions. Add some mystery to it, ask her also about herself and move
things to the next level.
Some girls change their accents to something more fancy (and foreign
sounding) when talking to a man they’re attracted to. This can be
hilarious but don’t blame her, she’s trying to impress you. There are
men out there who are actually put off by this as they think she’s being
proud, little do they know that she actually likes them and that’s why
she’s going to that length to gain their interest. Whenever a girl does
this, take it as a good sign and make a move.
Most girls never open up about themselves except they’re attracted to
you. So if you’re in a conversation with a girl and she’s telling you a
lot about herself –what she likes and dislikes, childhood experiences,
relationship history, family, etc– then be certain she likes you. Bonus
point if she goes into topics about herself without you even asking.
A nickname is a thing of endearment and whenever a girl gives you one
then she likes you. Sometimes they can be sweet –fine boy, Prince
Charming, Dominique– but other times they can be playfully annoying
–rat, long neck, small dick. Whatever they may be, take those nicknames
and turn them into neat lays. You can prove to her that she was right
(yea, I can do things to you like a Dominique from a Mexican soap opera)
or wrong (see? what’s down here is so big you can’t even take it all).
So there you go, 20 signs she likes you. If you put your eyes out for
them, you’d begin to notice these signs women give. A lot of times a
girl would put out multiple of these signs. The more signs she puts out,
the more certain you’d be that she likes you (and the more she actually
likes you of course). You however have to make a move, a girl won’t do
that for you. Women play the passive role in romance.
I’d also like to say, if you’re not still sure she likes you even if
she shows a sign I mentioned, just talk to her (if she’s a stranger) or
ask her out on a date (if she’s familiar) and see where it leads. You
never can tell except you try.